Tuesday, 7 January 2014

The A, B, C, Award

Darry Fraser told me it would as easy as ABC. Not in this household. Caroline read my first go at this and a few smashed plates later we decided to share it out. Caroline started with 'A', I did 'B' and so on... Please don't lose track, I wouldn't want you to think I wanted to be a Bond girl.

Here's what you do...
  1. Display the logo and link back to the person who gave you the award.
  2. Nominate some other blogs.
  3. Work through the alphabet writing one word or phrase about yourself or things you like or associate with yourself that begin, A... B... C... All 26 of them.
Caroline, you go first...

A: Attractive, of course.
B: Bone idle - well, according to Caroline I am.
C: Curvaceous. But only I can say this; when Robert says 'curvaceous' it means 'fat'. Oh, and The Catch , Robert's latest story.
D: Dad. He taught me everything I know about being an idler.
E: Electricity. I love the way it makes the lights come on.
F: Food. Has to be. Anything cooked by someone else.
G: Gorgeous, of course. 
H: Heidi Klum. No, I'm not being shallow, Caroline. Her personality shines through the gold lame dress.
I: Ian Flemming. I enjoy James Bond films. I would have loved to be a Bond girl for the swimsuits but not for the nearly getting killed bits.
J: Jelly. Preferably in a trifle.
K: Katherine Heigl. Why? If she had red hair she would look quite like me.
L: Love. It's all you need Caroline, isn't it? Along with a nice house, a car, two incomes...
M: Melody Bigger. She showed me the ropes. For an explanation see Shameless Ambition
N: No, no, no! My reaction when Caroline said she wanted to pose naked for an ex. She did it anyway.
O: Orgasm. I can't get the thought out of my mind after reading about the proselytes in Shameless Exposure
P: Peas. Nice with steak and chips.
Q: Quantum Physics. I love intelligent men.
R: Random acts of kindness.
S: Steam eReads of Australia. They publish Robert's books and when he's happy he doesn't bother me all the time.
T: Trains. They take you places, and you can eat sandwiches and drink coffee without stopping.
U: Underwear by Agent Provocateur. I like expensive.
V: Von Wolfswinkle. What a banker! For details see Shameless Ambition
W: A win/win situation, aka our marriage (I win whatever).
X: Has to be Xena Bardot. She was Miss August in Shameless Exposure Blonde, big t***. Not as attractive as C, of course...
Y: Yacht. I've told Robert I want one.
Z: A zero sum game, aka our marriage (for every winner, a loser).

So now it is my pleasure to bestow the ABC Award to:

  1. Isabella Brooke The Arkthwaite stories.
  2. Annie Oakfield  It's a bucket list, a rude one.
  3. Liz Hurst  A girl and her cat write. Yes they do.
  4. Erica Hayes  Urban Fantasy. 
  5. Julie Houston  A funny, feelgood writer. 
Thanks again to Darry Fraser who nominated me.

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Who are these people?

The world is divided into voyeurs and exhibitionists... It takes one of each to make a good marriage.

Robert and Caroline Fanshaw are an ambitious young couple trying to make their way in a complex world.

What happens when their private affairs collide with world events and the big issues of our times? Drama, comedy and x-rated scenes.

email fanshawrobert@gmail.com